Saturday, May 31, 2014

Week Twenty: Operation Backyard Makeover

Our backyard has always been...fine. Nothing special. Not bad. Just....fine.

This weekend I was determined to change that! One little step at a time our yard is coming together, which is just in time for O to be running and playing outside this summer. 

This weekend, aside from purchasing a picnic table that I'm in love with {and that O's high chair successfully clamps on to}, we did a little DIY chalkboard on the fence for Owen! 

I've seen this project repeated on multiple blogs all over Pinterest, and it looked so easy. Once we were at Home Depot for the supplies it ended up being even easier! 

First I grabbed a can of chalkboard paint, and then we headed towards the plywood area. We were interested in some 3'x5' sheets, and there were only two that were labeled as indoor/outdoor. Both were about $10 each. Get this: one was plain, and one was already a chalkboard! Umm, yes please! We grabbed two of the chalkboard sheets, put back the paint, and got outta there. 

We decided to screw the screws into the fence, and have them pin the panels in place rather than screwing into the chalkboard panels themselves. While this was a great plan, I think we are going to have to screw directly into the panels another day to keep them from falling down as the humidity fluctuates. 

O was a great help to daddy {stealing the screwdriver and not giving it back} and had fun coloring on them too. And taking bites of chalk here and there. And really just wanting to carry the chalk bucket around on his elbow like a little handbag. 

I love how smooth the chalkboard panels are, because the lightest touch with chalk shows up. I am also in love with the Crayola sidewalk chalk! So many colors and so vibrant! 


Monday, May 19, 2014

Week Nineteen: Love is All You Need

This week was crazy busy. Between work and play and prepping for Kelsey and Jake's wedding in Duluth this weekend I'm not sure how we managed. But we did!

I love weddings. Specifically those that include my best friends tying the knot. This weekend was full of love and fun and drinks and dancing.

Love my guys.

Beautiful bride with her ladies.

I had such fun chatting with friends I haven't seen in ages, and was reminded by another mama how important it is to let go. She and I chatted about motherhood {her little guy is 9 months} and life and balance for a while. She mentioned that she really needs to work on letting go a little and making time for her and her hubby. We talked about the struggles with mommy guilt and so much more. It is so nice when someone else gets it.

With that conversation so fresh in my mind, an hour or so later my grandma came to pick O up from the reception and take him to her house for the night. I tried my very best not to go into an insane amount of detail about his night-night routine or his eating habits. And then I let go. We waved goodbye, gave hugs and kisses, and went back into the reception to dance the night away.

And oh boy did we ever. We also learned that we are OLD and OUT OF SHAPE. Mike decided that he wanted to catch himself in a midair ninja jump/kick thing in the photo booth. Not only did he almost die doing it, now he has a hurt knee. {Trying not to laugh too hard} I didn't walk away with any injuries, but partway through the first song the wedding party danced to, I had a horrible side cramp! Jumping around for 3 minutes is apparently the most physical activity I've done in quite some time! Whoops. I suppose one of these days I'll kick myself into gear and get healthy again.

All in all it was a wonderful day {pretty sure it was the nicest day Duluth has had all spring} and I am so happy I got to spend it with my loves- my husband, our little guy, and my friends that I love so very, very much.

I wish you guys a lifetime of loving each other, Kelsey and Jake!


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Week Eighteen: Baby Art

I've been meaning to change out the baby art I have framed in the entryway But, life gets busy and suddenly it is May and you still have winter and Valentine's Day art on the wall. Whoops!

This week I decided to actually follow through with changing out the artwork, and one thing led to another. Cut to everyone elbow deep in paint.

It was fun to see how much O has changed since we last painted back in February. Back then he smashed the paint around mostly because it was noisy to hit the table and I strategically placed the paper with paint on it between his little fists and the table.

This is the 3rd tree I've had him paint. We started with a fall colors one, then a snowy one, now this one :)

This time he was clearly curious about the paint and tried to eat it. A few times. But he was also curious about the different colors I had in front of him and what happened when he smeared them together. He was very deliberate at first, just using his pointer fingers. That quickly spiraled into paint on his face, my face, the high chair, his hair, and even a little on the paper.

Smudgy baby foot & his attempt at recreating the baby foot directly to the left of it.

One of my favorite things is that I painted his foot and then stamped it on paper while O sat in his high chair. Then he grabbed the paper and leeeeeaned over and tried to do it again and again and again! Such a copy cat and smart little cookie.

 I love art projects and can't wait to do more this summer! Especially the messy ones that we can do outside and then just hose down afterwards. :)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Week Seventeen: First Birthday Party

I still can't believe that my baby is ONE. I realize I have to adjust to this fact. And the fact that people keep calling him a toddler.

O's birthday party was a success! We had a ton of people at our house, managed to have enough food for everyone, and had a happy baby for 99% of the day!

Here are some of my favorite style pictures from his party :)

This is one of my favorite things I made! I created it in Publisher and
 printed it as a poster at Walgreens. So easy and I *love* how it
turned out!

Monthly photos.

Monthly photos.


POP of color!

Nothing amazing, but cheery and bright. 

Major mom points: I remembered to pull out the baby book for people to sign!

Plans for many tiny balloons atop the cake on skewers just didn't turn out the way I had hoped,
so a quick improvisation worked out well! {Paper straws, watercolor paper from the invites, and crepe
paper twisted into a rope}

Who knew there was an excellent selection of balloons at Dollar Tree?

These meatball/cheese/biscuit balls were a hit at the last party, so easy and yummy dipped in marinara. 

Rainbow fruit skewers!

Mike made the butter-cream, I made the cake!

Too bad my sweet little O didn't care much about it. Presents were far more interesting. :)
