Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week Forty-Three: Pumpkin Painting!

Overambitious gal that I am, the original title for this blog post was going to be Pumpkin Carving! 

HA. HA. HA. 

Not so much. As soon as I watched O throw one of the mini pumpkins across the living room I decided that painting a pumpkin would be plenty fun. Carving can be an adventure for Halloween 2015. 

It was a beautiful evening, so before painting we decided to take a few fall photos. O wasn't especially cooperative, but we got a couple good ones. {Just ignore the giant goose egg on his head from earlier in the day. And the fact that his hair needs to be cut, lol.}

"Ohh! Heh-bee!"
Must...throw...all the gourds.
Trying to take the camera from me.

I wanted him to jump in a pile of leaves, and he wanted to play with the paint jars that I should have kept hidden until it was time to paint. In a stroke of genius Mike tossed the paint jars into the pile of leaves so O would jump in and look for them. While it was a great idea.... the result was sad and pathetic cries. 

We snapped a couple more photos and then began some outdoor pumpkin painting. An adventure, as we imagined it would be. O entertained the idea of painting the pumpkin, but he was more interested in mixing the colors on his plate.  

The end result was a paint covered plate, paint covered table cloth, and mostly orange pumpkin. Still super cute though. :D

Signing "please" because the paint wasn't magically on his plate ready to go. 

So serious.


  1. it possible that he already looks older since the last time I've seen his adorable self?!

    1. Right?! He is looking so much like a little kid lately.
