Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week Twenty-Three: Gardening

Well, I had all these big plans for my garden this year. I started pinning garden ideas and tips and tricks before the snow melted.

I was *ready* to have an even bigger, better garden than last year.

But then life happened. And I got busy. And it is June 11th and I still don't have my plants in the ground.

I have a hard time cutting myself slack. I have a hard time not being able to do everything I want to do. I so wanted this garden to be a success, like it was last year! But instead I was buying bottom of the barrel plants at 8:00 on a Wednesday night, hoping that they will grow enough to produce some veggies before the ground freezes again.

As I drove home from the garden center I was asking myself how on earth I was so on top of things last year. My new favorite app {TimeHop} showed me that one year ago this week I had plants coming up in the garden. How was I *so* far behind last year me?

Then it hit me. DUH. I was on maternity leave last year. With a little baby that didn't try to run into the neighbor's yard when we are outside. AND I had my mother in law's help! I tried to remember what she taught me about gardening. Nothing. I can't remember a single thing. I remember her telling me where to put a stepping stone so I would be able to pick tomatoes without stepping in the dirt. The end. That's it!

So as I set out to plant my plants this year {with a freshly tilled garden all ready for me, thanks to my mother in law} I don't really know where to start. What part of my garden gets shade again? How far apart should I put the green bean seeds?

I fully expect this year to be a disaster, but at least I'm trying. Better late than never, right?

Maybe everything will turn out perfectly. I *do* have a pretty great helper this year ;)

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