Friday, September 12, 2014

Week Thirty-five: Plans are for Suckers

As we approached this weekend, the weather people wouldn't shut up about how it was going to be a TOP TEN WEATHER WEEKEND! Get outside. Make plans to be outdoors. Soak up the beautiful weather this weekend. {I could go on... but I think you get it.}

I started cooking up all sorts of fun plans for us to do outside. Walks around the lake, playgrounds, mind was racing.

Friday night we went on a play date to the Children's Museum with some of my mom group friends. O was a little zoned out but we attributed that to a short nap at daycare. Then at about 6:30 he wanted me to hold him. And then he snuggled in like he does at bed time. I asked him if he wanted to go to sleep and he emphatically nodded YES.

So we hit the road a few minutes later and I'm pretty sure he was asleep before we left the parking garage. When we got home I scooped him out of the car seat and he was HOT. Like, burning-up-fever hot. We got him inside and took his temperature to find that it was a toasty 103.2. Our poor little guy.

Various things had us worried and ultimately we decided to take him to the walk in clinic in the morning. The doctor's office is typically where we go to find that there is nothing wrong with him and that we are crazy people. This trip was no different. His throat was red enough that the doc did a strep test to be sure, and it was negative. His ear was red but not enough to be considered infected. He was just a sick little baby.

Strangely enough, my fever baby didn't want to do all the things I had planned for our beautiful outdoor weekend. I should learn one of these days not to make plans.

I guess it isn't the planning I need to stop. I just need to lower my expectations. I planned on coming up with some great outside fun. Instead we had a feverish stage 5 clinger. So we played in the backyard for a few minutes instead, explored his new play kitchen, and let him snooze on my back at Target. Not really what I had imagined for a Top Ten Weather Weekend.... but it was alright. While he napped at home we even got a major cleaning project done!! {I was too embarrassed to even take a before picture of the I'm not sharing a dramatic before and after. Trust me though, it was a year's worth of mess at least.}

By Saturday night his fever had broken and he was already feeling better. :)


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