Monday, September 22, 2014

Week Thirty-Seven: Apple Orchard Tradition

This weekend it was so stinking beautiful outside! We took advantage and headed to a local apple orchard. This is the same orchard we visited last year, although last year the weather was a lot more fall-like than today!

At the risk of sounding extraordinarily cheesy, this is the kind of memory making tradition that I am so excited to make with my family. Imagining O taking the hay ride out to the orchard to pick apples year after year is so fun for me, and then imagining what kind of place in his heart these happy memories will have makes my heart smile. I just love it. Raising a kid you get to decide what kinds of traditions, big and small, you'll have and I think that is so cool. We are excited to have so many apple orchards nearby to help carry on our new tradition. :)

O was so happy to ride the fake animals. The real animals at the petting zoo {especially the goat that rattled his horns on the fence} made him a tad nervous. He did however delight in telling the animals "No! Down!"

Happy to ride the "baaaaa"

Oh hi! Just scaling a tire mountain all by himself. 



Apple picking.

So excited to share with Mama. 

Trying to Share with Daddy

What a difference a year makes!

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