Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week Seven: Snow Painting

Back to reality after our trip. It is always so hard to get back in the swing of things after such a great vacation.

O had a great idea that made the best of a snowy reality. Snow painting!

It is an activity we did a while ago but I had totally forgotten about. O was eager to scoop up some snow to use, and headed out on his own to get it.

Mr. No Pants wanted to get his own snow.

Beyond some snow, all you need are watercolors, brushes, and water.

Snow painting!

What started as an art project evolved into an experiment about freezing and melting and measuring as O mixed scoops of snow into the water cup. It was a blast!
Mixing colorful snow into the water. 
How much snow can we mix in before it stops melting? {A lot}

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