Monday, April 28, 2014

Week Sixteen: O's First Easter

Weeks ago I set up O's one year photos with the wonderfully talented Jessica. She is a busy gal, and we are a busy family, so coordinating schedules was a bit of a trick. When we finally set it up I managed to schedule it on one of the days I would be out doing state testing for work. Whoops! Thankfully, she was able to reschedule for the following week, which will actually be on O's birthday. So his birthday pictures will actually happen on his birthday- how fun!

However, because of my scheduling snafu, I kind of ruined any Easter plans we could have made. Mike was able to trade a girl at work his Wednesday shift {day of original photo session} for her Saturday shift. Once it was set in stone we realized that it was the Saturday before Easter. Then shortly after that I realized my major goof on the date in general. So it ended up that Mike had to work on Saturday, ruling out any travel plans to spend Easter with family.

O's first Easter ended up being my most favorite holiday with him so far! He was such a happy guy 95% of the day and we had a great time as a family of three.

In the morning O had a blast with his Easter basket.

Yay Owen! So naughty.

Had to get his foot in the jar after daddy suggested he put it on like a sock.

Meow. This is mine now. Meow.
We went to brunch at Jake's City Grill and it was fabulous. We ate way too much, but it was all so tasty. I sense the start of a tradition with going out to brunch for Easter. How awesome to eat massive amounts of food with zero clean up?!

After brunch we stopped at home for a quick wardrobe change for Mike and I. We were much too warm for the wonderful summery weather we were having! After some slightly more appropriate clothing choices we headed out to Stillwater for some play time at Teddy Bear Park. It was so fun! O had a blast on the slides and trying to climb up everything in sight.

Spending time at the park made me so excited for the nice weather to come. Nice weather better stick around! I cannot handle a chilly summer after the hell that was this winter. The only negatives about the park were the fact that they had a sand area, which I didn't want to deal with, but that O was interested in jumping into. It was easy enough to distract him, but it also meant that there was sand tracked onto the playground equipment. Not a big deal, just something I wish didn't exist. :)

Best part of the park? Digging in the cracks on the ground.

The park tired us all out, but O was certain he didn't need a nap. After a failed nap attempt we played in the backyard. Mike and I put together all his birthday presents and O helped. A lot. Like, a lot more "help" than you want. It was funny and terrifying to see what a climber he is. At least he is pretty skilled and doesn't usually fall off of things!

We wrapped up our outside time with an egg hunt and called it a day. It was such a lovely Easter!


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