Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Week Thirteen: Florida

In all honestly I probably have the time to blog about something this week. But I'm on vacation. And it is wonderful. I started this blog to make sure I was doing something fun every week, and I'm pretty sure vacation counts. So I'm not doing something special this week :)

Instead, here is a handful of my favorite pictures from our *first* family vacation! I have about a million more on my camera that need to be uploaded. Some phone pics will have to do for now.

Daddy the Turtle with the car seat on his back.

Heading to Florida O was awesome on the plane! Tiny composer.

Sleepy guy wasn't interested in family selfies. 

Rub a dub dub, three cousins in a tub!

Making silly faces at Wahoo's- dive bar on the beach with delicious fresh seafood!

A rare moment when Piper and Owen were close to each other and P was ok with it. 

O getting kisses from his twin cousin Sophia.

O and S reading together.

O is a water baby through and through. He wanted to get in the pool all day every day. 

P had a great time on our walk- O was out like a light. 

Mama and O at the beach. O *loved* the water. 

Daddy and baby in the water. 

My sweet little dinosaur baby growling at Uncle Bob. 

Mike playing with Soph while she plays with his glasses. 

O zooming around on P's car/bike thing.

O & S sharing a spoon. 

Family selfie at Jonn's Pass. 

I could post probably 30 more "favorite" pictures. But I'll cut myself off here.

Aside from O having an ear infection {that came with a 2+ hour visit to a super ghetto walk in clinic} and also falling on a sippy cup and cutting open his gum/lip {blood everywhere, horrifying, traumatic experience for all} this trip has been simply lovely.

I love my Floridian family and always look forward to seeing them- both in Florida and in Minnesota. This trip was so different than any other. All these babies around have really changed things. No spur of the moment trips out to eat or to the bar for happy hour. No full days spent lounging on the beach or by the pool. But that's ok. Because even though our itinerary changed {and requires careful planning around nap times}, the amount of fun and relaxation did not. 

Traveling with a baby is not exactly easy. I can't put into words how happy I was to walk in the door at my aunt Sandee and uncle Ken's house and see baby related mess/chaos all over the living room. Owen was right at home stealing all of his cousin Piper's toys and having so much fun trying to play in the dog's water dish. 

We were able to do all the fun stuff we wanted to do on this trip: 
1. Survive a plane ride with an 11 month old 
2. Swim in the pool 
3. Visit the ocean 
4. Walk around John's Pass and buy a bunch of yummy spices 
5. Eat at some of our favorite restaurants- Wahoo's, Zam Yee, Moe's, and Conch Republic 
6. See all our family
7. Day drink
8. Soak up all the sun
9. Have a baby sleep through the night almost every single night in a strange place 
10. Eat an absurd amount of ice cream 
11. Relax. Totally and completely. 

So there ya have it. Our va-cay in a nutshell! :) 



  1. Fun fun fun...and the car seat carrier! I never knew and weve flown a lot carrying the awkward chair...Oh well maybe the next child however after this utah trip i dont plan on getting on a plane in a long time...;)

    1. Hahaha, the car seat carrier looked ridiculous but worked so well! We borrowed it from Steph at work. :)
