Monday, January 27, 2014

Week Three: Baby Games

This week was a tough one.

I was busy with a million different things all week and finding time to do something special for week three of *finding*fifty*two* was rough. {Also evident by the fact that I'm posting a couples days late}

In the middle of a flurry of craziness all week, O and I were able to take some time together to try out some of the infinite ideas that Pinterest {and the internets in general} have for baby play time. 

Here is a round-up of our favorite things this week:

1. Homemade bubbles

While there aren't the fancy "bouncing" bubbles I've seen recipes for before {those contain glycerin which I didn't have on hand}, they were a big hit at our house. I made a few different bubble wands from twisty ties and just mixed the Dawn and water until it seemed like the consistency of bubble solution. I just kept testing it and once I was getting bubbles I stopped messing with the ratios. I pictured the two wands that actually produced bubbles-- the others that I tried just didn't work. O was cautiously fascinated with them. He followed them with his eyes and pointed to them for quite a while before he tried to grab and pop them {Ignore the lid to his bottle that has randomly become one of his favorite toys...}

2. Toys in Ice

O lives for the tub. He loves tubby time so much, I absolutely had to try this idea that I found on my Knoala app. We froze some of O's toys in little bowls so they were covered in ice, and plopped one in the tub with him! He was quite entertained making it bob around, trying to eat it, and watching the toy break free from the ice. {For the record, we keep his bath water on the warm side, and his temperature turtle was floating around to make sure we didn't bathe him in ice water}

3. Laundry fun

This isn't so much an idea I tried as it was something that just happened, but it was definitely a highlight of the week. Often times I try to distract O or wait until he is asleep to do laundry so I can get it done in peace. This week that wasn't an option {hello, mountain containing all of our clothes on the floor} and O was my little helper. I'm not sure which one of us was more entertained. He pulled things out of the dryer one by one and threw them behind him. He picked things up and threw them in the dryer. He screeched and screamed into an echoey, empty dryer. He was so excited about the dryer he was on his tippy toes trying to climb in! We had a blast talking about in and out and clean and dirty together! 

Alrighty- as simple and easy as these little projects were, they were the biggest hits of the week. Hope you enjoyed them!

What do you do to keep your little or littles entertained and engaged when life is hectic? 


  1. I think your photos and the editing you do is stinking adorable! I may have to try toys in ice. Right now Joaquin only likes to stand in the tub and turn on and off the faucet continually and play with the water stream...maybe toys in ice will make him sit??? As for what I do to entertain when life is hectic...I will say the puppy has changed my life! :)

  2. That's funny that you mentioned the photos because I was just thinking that I should use my actual camera one of these days instead of my iphone! Owen only wants to stand in the tub lately too, or lay down and splash with his hands and feet at the same time ;) Try the toys in ice! It was fun.
